
My Inspiration

What inspires me to take a picture are the little things in life. Things that most people take for granted that I happen to see. The things that aren't noticed, the things that if you catch them at the right moment leave a lasting effect. Things that are memorable, that speak out through a picture whereas before are taken for granted. A moment frozen in time. Being put in a picture lets people view it in an artistic way, instead of just the natural norm. Taking God's art and putting it in box to look at over and over. Now, a camera doesn't give it all it's glory. Real life is where the real beauty is seen. When it is seen with our eyes, the windows to our soul, and we can see it, smell it, feel it or even taste it and it's real, that is the true art. But if I can somehow manage to magnify the little things like a leaf, a child's expression or anything simple and make it amazing, well, then I have done my job.

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